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Photo by Gary TorielloClub Policies

All members, both new and veteran, must read and understand our club's policies. These are the rules that keep our club up and running. The policies include such rules as trip seat purchasing or cancellation, trip fees, and membership requirements. Yes, this is "the boring stuff" that runs our club, but its necessary in order for us to bring you the fun activities we offer throughout the year. These policies are updated periodically, so please check back every once in a while.

Policies: Membership | Events | Weeklong Sign-up |
Cancellation & Refund | Suspension



Membership Policies

These policies apply to all Hoboken Ski Club members or potential members:

  1. Potential members and renewal members must pay the membership fee in full and are accepted into HSC unless disapproved by majority vote of the sitting HSC Board (see number 6 below).
  2. Full membership in HSC is for a period of one year beginning September 1 and continuing through August 31.
  3. Summer membership in HSC is for a period of less than one year beginning on April 1 and continuing through August 31.
  4. Membership includes:
    1. HSC’s regularly published newsletter
    2. The ability to sign-up and participate in any HSC event/trips (on a first-come first- served basis when necessary).
    3. A membership card with a New Jersey Ski Counsel (NJSC) sticker, enabling the HSC member to take advantage of NJSC discounts.
  5. A potential or renewal member can sign up to become a member at an HSC weekly meeting or via regular mail.
  6. In order to become an HSC member, an individual must:
    1. be at least 21 years old;
    2. read and understand all HSC policies;
    3. complete a membership form in its entirety and sign HSC’s general release;
    4. pay the membership fee in full;
    5. understand that the Board, upon a majority vote, has the right to refuse membership to an individual who violates any HSC policy, endangers the safety or well-being of other HSC members, or conducts him or herself in a manner which is detrimental to HSC or its members. If an individual’s membership is disapproved by HSC’s Board, the potential member’s membership feed will be promptly refunded in full; and
    6. understand that there are NO REFUNDS OF MEMBERSHIP FEES (except for disapproval as described in subparagraph e above).
  7. HSC will not process a membership application, under any circumstances, unless a check for the full amount of the membership fee is submitted along with a completed and signed membership form and general release.
  8. If signing up for membership mail, a self-addressed stamped envelope must be included with the completed and signed membership form and general release, in order for the membership card to be mailed to the member. If an envelope is not provided, the membership card will be held by HSC’s membership team for pick-up at an HSC weekly meeting.


Event Policies

These policies apply to all Hoboken Ski Club events, unless otherwise noted:

  1. The HSC acts only to arrange activities for its members and is not responsible for any loss, damage, delay, injury, or accident as a result of or in any HSC activity.
  2. The HSC and its members have no responsibility for personal or bodily injury to members or their families, or of damage to or loss of personal property, which may occur by reason of participation in the activities of the HSC.
  3. Minimum Age: 21
  4. Bounced Check Fee: $15
  5. Members only on all trips. A trip leader may ask to see your card to verify membership.
  6. Trip/Event Sign up:
    1. Trip/Event leaders will sign up members for trips/events at the weekly meetings.
    2. A deposit or full payment (see below) is required to hold a spot on the trip/event.
  7. Payment for Trip/Events:
    1. On events costing under $100, full payment must be made to hold a spot.
    2. For trips over $100, trip leader will announce the necessary deposit to hold a spot.
    3. A separate check is required for each trip deposit.
    4. For trips/events less than a week long, final payment is required two weeks prior to the first day of the event.
    5. For trips/events a week long or longer, final payment is required 60 days prior to the first day of the event.
    6. For trip/events involving a flight regardless of length of trip/event, final payment is required 60 days prior to the first day of the event
  8. Waiting List for Trip/Events:
    1. Trip/event leaders will keep a waiting list for people who want to attend the event above the number of spots available
    2. Wait listee must put a deposit down with the trip/event leader.
    3. Cost of deposit will be determined by trip leader or 50% of the trip/event cost if the trip is under $100.
    4. The deposit check will not be deposited unless the member gets a spot on the trip/event.
    5. If a spot does not become available or the member is unable to attend the event, they must make arrangements with the trip leader to pick up the check or send a self-addressed stamped envelope so it can be returned.
    6. If a wait listee can not attend the trip/event, they must notify the trip/event leader and have their name removed from the wait list.


Weeklong Sign-up Policies

This Policy applies to all current\active Hoboken Ski Club Members signing up for a week long trip:

  1. Lottery
    1. All members wanting to sign up for week long trip will need to receive a lottery ticket from the ski coordinator
  2. Eligibility
    1. A member may sign up himself and another member.  By signing up another member, this member will automatically be considered your eligible roommate for the trip accommodations.
  3. Procedure
    1. Receive lottery ticket from ski coordinator prior or during meeting
    2. After announcements are completed, number will be randomly selected from lottery numbers distributed
    3. First number selected will be the first member in line
    4. The members in line thereafter will be in sequential order.  At the last number distributed the order will begin from the first number distributed accordingly.


Cancellation & Refund Policies

These policies apply to all Hoboken Ski Club (“HSC”) trips/events, unless otherwise specifically noted:

  1. Cancellation of Trips/Events With No Airfare
    1. If a member cancels 65 or more days prior to the first day of the trip/event, HSC will refund the total amount paid for the trip/event by the member.
    2. If a member cancels 64 days or less before the first day of the trip/event, the refund will vary dependent upon the club's final payment due date to the mountain/vendor (see tripleader for exact details).
    3. If a member cancels, his/her spot on the trip/event will be placed up for sale or, if the trip/event is sold out, the open spot will be first offered to members on the waitlist (gender may become an issue if rooming assignments have been completed).
    4. If the trip/event is not sold out, and consequently there is no waitlist, the burden of filling the spot lies with the member canceling. All replacements must be approved by the trip/event leader (gender may be an issue considering room assignments.
    5. Efforts will be made by HSC to fill the open spot, however, no refunds are guaranteed.
    6. If the open spot is not sold, the amount of refund to the canceling member, IF ANY, will be the amount of adjustments made by vendors or service providers in view of unused services. No adjustments or refunds are guaranteed.
    7. Refunds for cancellations will always be less any expenses incurred by HSC as a result of the cancellation.
  2. Cancellation of Trips/Events With Airfare
    1. If a member cancels 65 or more days prior to the first day of the trip/event, HSC will refund the total amount paid for the trip/event by the member minus any airline cancellation/rebooking fees.
    2. If a member cancels 64 days or less before the first day of the trip/event his/her spot on the trip/event will be placed up for sale or, if the trip/event is sold out, the open spot will be first offered to members on the waitlist (gender may be an issue considering room assignments).
    3. If the trip/event is not sold out, and consequently there is no waitlist, the burden of filling the spot lies with the member canceling. All replacements must be approved by the trip/event leader (gender may be an issue considering room assignments).
    4. Efforts will be made by HSC to fill the open spot, however, no refunds are guaranteed.
    5. If the open spot is not sold, the amount of refund to the canceling member, IF ANY, will be the amount of adjustments made by vendors or service providers in view of unused services. No adjustments or refunds are guaranteed.
    6. Any refunds for cancellations will always be less any expenses or penalties incurred by HSC as a result of the cancellation.
    7. Any refunds less than 31 days before the event will be made after the event is completed.
  3. Refunds
    1. Refunds are to be picked up at a weekly HSC meeting from the trip/event leader after the trip has concluded. If the member is unable to attend a weekly meeting, then a self-addressed stamped envelope must be provided to the trip/event leader so the refund check can be sent via mail.
    2. All fees and penalties incurred by HSC are the responsibility of the canceling member and will be deducted from any refund amount.
  4. Cancelled Trips/Events
    1. If a trip/event is cancelled or rescheduled by HSC and a member is therefore unable to attend, a full refund will be issued at HSC's earliest convenience.
  5. Transfer of Funds Between Trips/Events
    1. The transferring of any monies from one trip/event to another trip/event is at the sole discretion of the HSC Treasurer.


Suspension Policies

These policies apply to all Hoboken Ski Club members:

  1. Members may be suspended by special vote of the board (see Suspension Process below) for mis-conduct, or inappropriate behavior at club events or on club trips. Length of suspension will be determined by the board.
  2. Members may be suspended if the member owes the club money from a trip, bounced check fee, cancellation, etc. Their membership will be restored once all balances owed are paid.
  3. Suspended members will be removed from any events they have signed up for and their refunds will be subject to refund policies and any incurred penalties.
  4. Suspended members will not be able to participate in any HSC events, including weekly meetings.
  5. Suspended members will not receive the newsletter.
  6. Suspended members will not be able to sign up for new events.
  7. Members have the right to appeal their suspension to the board (see Suspension Process below).

Suspension Process

  1. There will be a vote to begin Suspension Proceedings:
    1. A board member makes a motion at a board meeting to begin suspension proceedings against a certain member, including all details of why they should be suspended. Quorum voting rules apply here.
    2. The board, then votes to begin proceedings or not by a simple majority vote.
    3. If the board votes no, the matter is dropped.
    4. If the board votes yes,
      1. A day and time for the proceedings is established.
      2. A letter notifying the member must be sent out within 3 business days of the vote. President (or Vice President in his absence) must write the letter.
      3. The letter must indicate the reasons why the suspension proceedings are beginning and the day and time of the proceedings.
      4. A copy of the "suspension proceedings" procedures must accompany the letter.
  2. Suspension Proceedings:
    1. The suspension proceedings must begin within two weeks of the initial vote.
    2. The proceedings will consist of all board members (the quorum rule of voting does not apply here), the member who faces suspension, and a club member to speak on behalf of the accused referred to as "club member advocate".
    3. The accused can choose any member from the club to speak on his behalf as "club member advocate". The advocate can not be a board member.
    4. Proceeding will begin with a member of the board re-capping the reasons for suspension with a 10 minute limit on speaking time.
    5. The member facing suspension will have 10 minutes to present his/her side of the story in front of the full board and club member advocate.
    6. The club member advocate will have 10 minutes to present in front of full.
    7. The board will then vote on suspension and terms thereof. This board vote will be a private vote among the board members.
    8. Member will be notified by mail or e-mail of the results and terms of suspension in the case of a yes vote.


When Bob McDonald founded our club he sweated and sweated and debated what rules should define our club. When he was done we had a club "Constitution". This constitution defines our club as a not-for-profit organization and spells out our general operating rules and procedures.

Article I

The name of this organization shall be "Hoboken Ski Club" (hereinafter "the club") and shall be incorporated as a not-for-profit organization under the laws of the state of New Jersey.

Article II

The objective of this club shall be to encourage skiing and other activities that promote social interaction and community service.

Article III

Section 3.1 Classification of Members.

There is only one classification for members, which is individual member. Any person who is 21 years of age or older may become a member upon acceptance of such person's application in accordance with these bylaws.

Section 3.2 Admission of Members.

Any person desiring to become a member of the club shall submit to the chairperson of the membership Committee or representative a completed membership form, which includes a liability waiver, such other agreements and documents as the board may specify from time to time, and pay the membership fee. Membership shall last until the end of the membership year. The membership year runs from September 1st and continues through August 31st of the following year. In order to remain a member after August 31st, the membership must be renewed completing the above documentation and paying the annual membership.

Section 3.3 Membership Fee.

The membership fee is to be set by the board annually prior to the commencement of the membership year. A reduced fee to be set by the board, will be the membership fee any time after six months of the membership year has passed. Membership fee is not refundable.

Section 3.4 Termination of Membership.

A member may be expelled and his/her membership thereby terminated for conduct deemed by a majority of the board to be not in the best interest of the club. Before membership may be terminated, the board shall notify the member of the proposed termination of his/her membership in writing with explanation.

Article IV
Board of Directors/Officers

Section 4.1 Powers and Duties.

The business and affairs of the club shall be managed by its Board of Directors (herein after "the board"), which may exercise all such powers of the club and do all such lawful acts and things as are not by statute or by the articles of Incorporation or by the bylaws directed or required to be exercised and done by the members.

Section 4.2 Election.

The election of the board of officers shall be held annually in the month of May. If more than one candidate runs for office, the officer shall be elected by secret ballot by the members.

Section 4.3 Term of Office.

The board's term shall run from June 1 through May 31 of the following year.

Section 4.4 Title.

All officers shall comprise the board. The officers' titles and duties are as follows:
  1. President - Perform the usual duties of a presiding officer, preside over club and board meetings and oversee operation of the club.
  2. Vice President - Assist the President with the management of the club.
  3. Treasurer - Handle financial aspects of the club including assets, budget, bank account, etc.
  4. Ski Coordinator - Oversee ski activities, including scheduling ski events, selecting trip locations and selecting trip leaders.
  5. Non-Ski Event Coordinators (1) - Oversee all non-ski activities, including scheduling events and selecting members to run them.
  6. Newsletter coordinator - Organize and prepare monthly newsletter and mailing.
  7. Membership Coordinators (3) - Handle all membership related activities, including, but not limited to, signing up new members, dispensing information to prospective members, maintaining membership database & mailing lists and developing strategies to attract new members.
  8. Webmaster - Administer the club's Internet activities.
  9. Historian - Maintain records of the year's trips and meetings.
  10. President Emeritus - The most recent past President.

Section 4.5 Committees.

Committees and committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the President with board approval.

Article V

The club shall meet weekly on a date and time set by the board. The board shall meet monthly on a date or time set by the board. Special meetings of the club and the board may be called at any time by the board. Meetings may be changed by board consent.

Article VI

Except where provided otherwise, the majority vote constitutes the winning vote. At board meetings a quorum is required to vote. A quorum constitutes at least 6 members of the board.

Article VII

This document can be amended by a majority vote of the board members.

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