- M O N D A Y S - Beach Volleyball @ campus of Steven's Institute of Technology Mondays at 7pm Follow 8th Street up and into Steven's Institute and the sand pit is right there by the Howe Center. - T U E S D A Y S - Weekly Meetings Meetings are held every Tuesday night at 8:30pm. They are in the back room at Willie McBride's Pub on Grand St. between 6th & 7th in Hoboken. Everyone is welcome. - W E D N E S D A Y S - Movies under the Stars @ Pier A Wednesdays - Check the schedule of movies & times. - T H U R S D A Y S - Thirsty Thursday August 11th - 6:30 p.m. @ Luna Park in Union Square, NYC Any questions? Please contact Chris Fallo at chrisfallo@hotmail.com - S U N D A Y S - Hiking Day hikes to different scenic areas of NY/NJ. Please check the club forum for additional details. Beach Bunny Brigade August 21st - Come and spend the day at the Jersey shore. 10:00 a.m. Sea Bright Meet at Donovan's Reef Debra Lans 201-788-1224 / Beth Dougherty 973-978-0129 |
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