Look below the calendar for details on repeating events.

Events listed in italics are not HSC run events. These are other local events of interest.


previous month

Event Calendar - December 2004

next month
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
      1 2 3 4
Snowboard Movie Party
- Metropolitan Club Xmas Bash
5 6 7
HSC Meeting
8 9
Thirsty Thursday
10 11
12 13 14
HSC Holiday Party in place of meeting
15 16
Ice Skating
17 18
19 20 21
Board Meeting
HSC Meeting
22 23 24
Christmas Day (Observed)
Christmas Day
HSC Meeting
New Years Eve

Details on Repeating Events

- T U E S D A Y S -
Weekly Meetings
Meetings are held every Tuesday night at 8:30 p.m. They are in the back room at Willie McBride's Pub on Grand St. between 6th & 7th in Hoboken. Everyone is welcome.

- T U E S D A Y 12/14
HSC Holiday Party in place of meeting
Come see Santa Claus and his helpers. Bring an unwrapped toy or $5 donation to give to "Toys for Tots". Two uniformed Marines will be present to accept our donations.

- T H U R S D A Y S -
Thirsty Thursday
December 9th - 6:30 p.m. @ Chumley's, 86 Bedford Street near the Christopher St. PATH
NOTE: Remember the address, because there is no sign on the door !
Come join us as we visit the last original Speak Easy in the city. Just hope we don't get raided! Chumley’s features their own brews and great food. You'll find us congregated in the bar area in the back past the cozy wooden booths. Be careful not to trip over any of the dogs that reside in the bar.
Any questions? Please contact Chris Fallo at chrisfallo@hotmail.com

Ice Skating
December 16th - 6:30 p.m. @ Wollman Rink, Central Park
Have fun skating outside under the lights of Manhattan & the twinkling stars.
Get the Details

- S A T U R D A Y -
"Lost In Transition" - Snowboard Movie Party
December 4th - 9:00 p.m. @ Intra-Home, 80 Hudson St, Hoboken
View Movie Trailer
Open Bar. Limited Tickets.
$40 at HCS Meetings or at Re.Juice.a.Nation / $50 at Door - Cash Only
Contact Adam for more info
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