Details on Repeating Events
- T U E S D A Y S -
Weekly Meetings
Meetings are held every
Tuesday night at 8:30 p.m. They are in the back room at Willie
McBride's Pub on Grand St. between 6th & 7th in Hoboken. Everyone
is welcome.
- T H U R S D A Y S -
May 8th - 7:00 p.m. @ the rooftop deck of City Bistro, 56 14th St. Hoboken
May 22th - 6:30 p.m. @
'230 Fifth' Ave. btwn 26th/27th in the Flatiron area of NYC.
Get there early to avoid having to wait on line for the elevator!
Come check out NYC's newest, largest, and most exclusive rooftop bar. The venue consists a lounge on the penthouse floor, and a magnificantly landscaped 14,000 square foot rooftop garden bar with breathtaking views of the Manhattan skyline. Take the elevator to the 20th floor, go through the lounge, then walk up the staircase to the roofdeck.
Any questions? Please contact Chris Fallo at chrisfallo@hotmail.com