Look below the calendar for details on repeating events.



previous month

Event Calendar - October 2005

next month
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Fall Fling

- Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in NYC
- Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in NYC
3 4
Board Meeting
HSC Meeting
5 6 7 8
Mountain Biking

Football at West Point

- Beer on the Pier
9 10
Columbus Day
HSC Meeting

On Sale !

12 13
Thirsty Thursday
Club Getaway Weekend
Rockefeller Estate Tour

Club Getaway Weekend

- It's My Park! Day

Club Getaway Weekend

- MS Bike Tour
17 18
HSC Meeting
19 20 21 22
Mountain Biking

- NY Cares Day

- The Hunt
23 24 25
HSC Meeting
- 'A Ghoulish Gala' Fundraiser for MS
Thirsty Thursday

- Jersey City Museum Ball
28 29
Halloween Party
30 31

Details on Repeating Events

- T U E S D A Y S -
Weekly Meetings
Meetings are held every Tuesday night at 8:30 p.m. They are in the back room at Willie McBride's Pub on Grand St. between 6th & 7th in Hoboken. Everyone is welcome.

- T H U R S D A Y S -
Thirsty Thursday
October 13th - 6:30 p.m. @ The White Horse Tavern, 567 Hudson Street NYC, near Christopher St. PATH
October 27th - 6:30 p.m. @ Kelly's Pub, 1314 Washington Street, Hoboken
Any questions? Please contact Chris Fallo at chrisfallo@hotmail.com

- S A T U R D A Y S -
Mountain Biking
Bi-weekly Saturday morning trips to various locations. If you would like to be added to the MTB mailing list contact Chris DeSanctis at skicoordinator@hobokenskiclub.com
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