Look below the calendar for details on repeating events.

Events listed in italics are not HSC run events. These are other local events of interest.


previous month

Event Calendar - September 2008

next month
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
  1 2
HSC Meeting
3 4
- Hoboken Italian Festival >>
5 6
- << Hoboken Italian Festival
Labor Day
Board Meeting
HSC Meeting
10 11 12
- NY Brewfest at South Street Seaport
Mountain Biking

- Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure
15 16
HSC Meeting
17 18
Thirsty Thursday
19 20
Bike New Paltz - Minnewaska State Park
22 23
HSC Meeting
Chaminox, France goes on sale
24 25 26 27
Hoboken Arts & Music Festival

- Tappan Zee Bridge MS Bike Tour

- Twin Lights Ride
29 30
HSC Meeting

Details on Repeating Events

- T U E S D A Y S -
Weekly Meetings
Meetings are held every Tuesday night at 8:30 p.m. They are in the back room at Willie McBride's Pub on Grand St. between 6th & 7th in Hoboken. Everyone is welcome.

- T H U R S D A Y S -
Thirsty Thursday
Sept 18th - 7:00 p.m. @ the rooftop deck of Dubliner, 96 River Street, Hoboken
Any questions? Please contact Chris Fallo at chrisfallo@hotmail.com

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